
It's time to embrace the beauty and power of being 50+ and FABULOUS!

Hi, I am Lucie McKean

Welcome to Life After 50
I help women over 50. I specialise in guiding YOU to make positive lifestyle changes by incorporating wholesome nutrition and mindful self-care practices.
No matter where you are on your wellness journey I am here to empower you.

“Life isn’t finding shelter in the storm, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”

Who am I & How can I help You? 

Are you a woman over 50 who's ready to reclaim your health and wellbeing?

I am a 54-year-old married mother to two beautiful daughters, three amazing stepchildren, and two gorgeous grandsons.

I am a passionate coach who empowers women over 50 to transform their health and well-being.

With a focus on the mind and body, I help women thrive in all areas of their lives.

Through personalised coaching and guidance, I support my clients in achieving their health goals, reclaiming their vitality, and embracing a vibrant and fulfilling life.

With my experience and dedication, I am making a positive impact on the lives of women, empowering them to live their best life at any age.

Look no further! I'm your dedicated coach and cheerleader on your journey towards a vibrant and fulfilling life.

What to Expect?

Boost Your Energy Levels!
Empower You to Thrive and Flourish!
Strengthen Your Body!
Reduce Your Stress
Improve Your Sleep
We will create a Roadmap together specifically for you, tailored to suit your life and geared to ensure success in achieving your goals one step at a time.

Embrace Your Best Self: A Journey to Wellness in Your Fifties!

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to slow down.  In fact, I am sure I have sped up.
It is time to have fun.
Together, we'll embrace a mindset that uplifts and inspires, enabling you to embrace new adventures, cultivate meaningful relationships, and make the most out of every precious moment.
Eating well shouldn’t be a chore, it should be fun and taste good, easy to prepare and the bonus is you will be nourishing your body for success.
I’ll share simple yet nutritious recipes, practical tips for shopping and guidance for mindful eating.
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, rejuvenation, and transformation? Let's connect and start reclaiming your health and wellbeing today?

“Anything is Possible to a Willing Mind”

Hi I am Lucie

Over the past 13 years, my life has taken a remarkable turn, filled with challenges, growth, and ultimately, a newfound purpose. Let me take you through my experiences and how they have shaped the person I am today.

💔 It all started with the difficult decision to leave my marriage after 22 years. This choice had been a long time coming, but it was not an easy one. My two beautiful daughters, aged 14 and 20 at the time, were heartbroken, and I couldn't help but reflect on how I could have handled things better. Dealing with the aftermath of this decision and subsequent relationship was not without its challenges

Be the cheerleader in your own life.

From Overcoming Challenges to Inspiring Others

More about Lucie

I want to share my incredible journey of transformation with all of you.

Amidst the chaos, I began to discover a sense of self-care that I had never experienced before. For the first time in my life, I was truly taking care of myself. Leaving home at 18 to start a life with my ex-husband, I felt a renewed sense of liberation and empowerment at the age of 41. It was as if the life I was meant to live was just beginning.

I had always felt like I was living up to expectations and trying to please others, but now, I had the freedom to follow my heart's desires. Life threw unexpected opportunities my way, and during the process of rebuilding, I found love with the man I was meant to be with. Together, we embarked on a new and wonderful chapter of our lives.

While we were enjoying the good life and having fun, I couldn't ignore the fact that unhealthy eating habits and excessive drinking had taken a toll on my well-being. As I entered my 50s, I was severely overweight and faced various health issues. My blood pressure was escalating, and I reluctantly resorted to medication. On top of that, I had been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid since childhood, which had always been a contributing factor to my weight gain.

The realisation hit me that if I didn't take control of my health, I could be risking serious consequences. The battle with my weight was real, but the challenge of losing over 30+ kgs seemed overwhelming, making it difficult for me to take action. Exercise had always been my Achilles heel, and I found myself procrastinating and avoiding what needed to be done.

However, life had other plans for me. In late 2020, a major family incident made me reevaluate everything. I realised that I had enabled destructive behaviour and had to set boundaries to move forward. This turning point led me to discover a video online in January 2021 that would change my life forever. Excitedly, I couldn't wait to share it with my partner, Kieran.

This video ignited a spark within me and opened my eyes to an opportunity to transform my lifestyle and work. It completely upended my life and introduced me to new knowledge about running an online business. But most importantly, it emphasized the importance of personal development—a concept I had never prioritized before. Investing time in myself and striving for personal growth became integral to my success.

The journey truly began when I participated in a 7-day challenge that kick-started my weight loss journey. These seven days were filled with changing my eating habits, timing my meals, and eliminating certain foods, alcohol, and sugar. Surprisingly, these adjustments felt manageable, and what's even more remarkable is that I felt so good that I continued following these guidelines for two years and counting.

The results were astounding. In just 18 months, I shed 35kgs, and for the majority of this weight loss, I didn't even need to rely on exercise. I was able to come off my blood pressure medication, and I even managed to lower my thyroid medication dosage. At 54 years old, I can honestly say that I've never felt better.

This transformative journey has led me to discover my purpose—to share my experiences, knowledge, and the obstacles I've overcome to inspire and help others. Though I may not have formal training in health, nutrition, or fitness, I can offer firsthand guidance and support to help you achieve the results you desire.

My Why

Empowering Women in their Fifties to Thrive and Flourish!
Together, we'll prove that age is just a number and that it's never too late to pursue your dreams.

Unlocking the Secrets to Ageless Health and Happiness

Embracing Self-Care: Leaving my marriage and embarking on a new chapter of my life forced me to prioritise myself for the first time. It was a powerful realisation that my well-being mattered, and I needed to take care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This journey became an opportunity to explore self-care practices that nourished my body and soul.

Overcoming Mental Blocks: At the age of 50, I confronted mental barriers that had held me back for years. The fear of failure, the belief that I couldn't change my lifestyle, and the daunting task of losing a significant amount of weight seemed insurmountable. However, through personal development and a growth mindset, I challenged these limiting beliefs and proved to myself that I was capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

Rediscovering Healthy Eating Habits: As I embarked on my weight loss journey, I realised that diets and restrictive measures weren't the answer. Instead, I focused on making sustainable changes to my eating habits. I learned to nourish my body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods while still allowing myself the occasional indulgence. This shift in mindset transformed my relationship with food and eliminated the cycle of guilt and deprivation.

Redefining Exercise: Exercise had always been a source of anxiety and resistance for me. The thought of gruelling workouts and hours spent at the gym seemed overwhelming. However, I learned that exercise didn't have to be a chore. I discovered activities that brought me joy, such as dancing, hiking, and yoga. By finding exercise routines that I genuinely enjoyed, I was able to stay consistent and make fitness a fun part of my daily life.

Holistic Approach to Well-Being: My weight loss journey became about more than just shedding kilos. It became an opportunity to address my overall well-being. I explored mindfulness practices such as meditation and journaling to cultivate inner peace and self-awareness. I prioritised sleep and created a bedtime routine that promoted restful nights. Taking a holistic approach allowed me to not only transform my body but also enhance my mental and emotional well-being.

Sharing my Story and Inspiring Others: As I witnessed the positive changes in my life, both physically and mentally, I felt a deep calling to share my journey with others. I realised that my experiences could be a source of inspiration for those struggling with weight loss, self-confidence, and personal growth. Through my website and social media platforms, I aim to empower women over 50 to believe in their potential, embrace self-care, and create their own transformative stories.

Together, we can navigate the challenges, celebrate the victories, and support each other on this incredible journey of personal growth and well-being. Let's break through barriers, redefine our beliefs, and live our best lives, inspiring those around us to do the same.
 As a 54 year old woman, I am here to serve you and empower you on your own journey of transformation. Together, we can overcome challenges, embrace self-care, and create a healthier and happier version of you.

“Revitalise Your Life in Your Fabulous Fifties and Beyond!”